Quick Pad for cages

Quickpad for Backflow Enclosures

  • Our QuickPad™ mounting pad with support base makes installation & mounting of StrongBox® enclosures easier than ever. No concrete needed!
  • The mounting pad has our unique fastening system that allows for easy, secure attachment of the pad to the support base & the enclosure to the pad.
  • Together, the heavy-duty pad, support base & StrongBox® enclosure form a complete unit that is secure, stable & vandal resistant
  • The buried support base provides added stability & security for the entire assembly
  • All mounting hardware is stainless steel to prevent corrosion & rust
  • Patent No 6,321,928



Product CodeDimensionsWeight
QP-20BF32"w, 19"d - use with SBBC-20SS37lbs
QP-22BF28.5"w, 19"d - use with SBBC-22SS, SBBC-22CR, SBBC-22AL37lbs
QP-30BF32"w, 19"d - use with SBBC-30SS, SBBC-30CR, SBBC-30AL37lbs
QP-45BF49"w, 19"d - use with SBBC-45SS, SBBC-45CR, SBBC-45AL42lbs


The controller enclosure mounting pad assembly shall consist of a reinforced plastic support base, a 3/16 inch thick 5052 H32 Marine Grade Aluminum mounting pad and stainless steel fastening brackets. The support base shall be installed and compacted in earth allowing the top two inches of the support base to be exposed above the earth. The 5052 H32 Marine Grade Aluminum mounting pad shall be clamped to the support base with the stainless steel fastening brackets. The controller enclosure shall be bolted from the inside of the enclosure to the mounting pad, thus preventing outside access to the mounting bolts.

*QuickPads used for all StrongBox enclosures.

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